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The Seattle Massacre: The Ripper Case Series
J.J. Knight
Her Name Is Grace
Shidorr Myrick-Gayer
Dark Summer
Lizzy Ford

The Grief Frequency

The Grief Frequency - Kealan Patrick Burke The Grief Frequency is a short story by Kealan Patrick Burke, and in all honesty, it’s the saddest thing I have ever read by him. He normally does brutal, in your face horror, but this was definitely a lot different.The story is about a man named Paul. Paul was in a car accident with his wife and father-in-law. Two of them survived, one did not. Now Paul is haunted by the memories of what happened that night. Grief overtakes him, and when he learns of something he did not expect, the sadness and guilt he feels becomes overwhelming and he decides it’s time to end it all.What happens is not quite what Paul wanted, but by the time the story ends, Paul seems happier than he has since the accident.The ending made me feel even sadder, though. It was a really angsty and depressing short story. And if you have triggers, you may not want to read this. Just a warning.Not a bad story, but I think I’ll stick to KPB’s horror novels now for awhile instead.